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Weather warning: safety precautions to follow during possible flooding

JOBURG – Severe thunderstorms with a risk of heavy downpours and strong gusty winds are also expected for this weekend.

The South African Weather Service has issued a warning to be alert for possible flooding.

This statement follows a cold front which moved over the country on the morning of 4 October, resulting in windy, rainy and cold conditions.

Severe thunderstorms with a risk of heavy downpours and strong gusty winds are also expected for this weekend.

Possible effects of heavy weather are as follows:

  • Wet and slippery roads
  • Occasional poor visibility
  • Strong gusty winds would make for dangerous driving conditions
  • Heavy downpours resulting in flash floods.

Precautions to take during flooding are as follows:

  • If walking outdoors, avoid crossing rivers and streams where water is above your ankles
  • Do not walk in 15cm of fast-moving flood water as this could knock you over
  • Never try to walk, swim or drive through fast-moving flood water. Stop, turn around and go another way
  • Listen to the weather warnings on radio or television.
  • Never drive into water covering the road. You do not know how deep it is or if the road has been washed away.
  • If the vehicle stalls, leave it immediately and seek higher ground.
  • Be cautious at night when it is harder to recognise flood danger.

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