Are these the world’s worst drivers?

When it comes to driving, there are those who simply cannot get the hang of it!

Whether they have difficulty reversing out of a parking space, struggling to parallel park or navigating around a gaping hole, these drivers are the type of drivers we want to avoid, as they pose a threat to the safety of other road users.

Some people may think that they know a terrible driver and some may even be the terrible driver amongst their friends. As bad as you may think you are, we’d like to believe that you’re probably not as awful as the list of drivers we think may be the worst drivers in the world.

We just hope that these drivers have reliable car insurance – and, just to be sure, we hope that you do too! In the event of an accident, the last thing that you want to do is scrape through your savings to mend your vehicle.

The gaping hole

We’ve all been there – the terror one feels as you drive into a mechanic’s garage and keep a steady eye on the gaping hole in the floor. Everyone is aware of it – yet this lady somehow managed to manoeuvre her vehicle into a position where one side of her car was planted firmly in the mechanic’s pit.

Watch as the mechanic who attempts (and fails) to guide her into the garage waves his arms wildly in the air, and ultimately has to dodge out of the way!

Cruising through the mall

Whether this man is drunk or acting on a malicious dare, cruising through that shopping mall was neither smart nor impressive.

Bursting through the glass entrance doors and taking a slow drive through the complex brought about the attention of the security officers who, in an effort to arrest the driver, were faced with resistance.

Refusing to pay toll fees?

Commuters are familiar with the frustration and rage evoked by the e-Toll system. There are also drivers who are enraged by the interprovincial toll system.

This drunk driver decided that neither her patience nor her wallet was going to deal with the toll gate, resulting in a severely damaged vehicle and – miraculously – just a broken wrist.

Failing to Reverse

We’d like to ask this driver the question, “Did you buy your license?” After failing 21 times to reverse out of a parking lot, we think this driver should perhaps grab the fastest cab (and not drive) to the traffic department to re-do his license test. In the video it is evident that the car he bumped into is damaged but it does not seem to faze the driver. What a jerk!

We hope that we never have the displeasure of driving anywhere close to one of these drivers; however, South African drivers can be unpredictable. If you’re still weaving your way through numerous quotes from car insurance companies, give it a rest and contact MiWay for reliable and affordable car insurance today.

Most drivers do not see the importance of having car insurance – but now that you’ve seen how horrendous these drivers are, would you still want to risk driving on the road without having your car insured?

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