Northgate branch of the SANBS call on community members to donate blood as soon as possible

NORTHRIDING – Save a life in 20 minutes.

With the South African National Blood Service announcing that it is running low on blood supplies, the Randburg Sun decided to help encourage the public to donate blood by clearing up a few of the misconceptions around donating blood.

The myths we asked the service were responded to by the registered nurses at the Northgate branch.


Myth – If I donate blood, I will not have enough in my body for myself

You have seven to nine litres of blood in your system and we are only taking 500ml. You will have more than enough blood remaining in your body.


Myth – Donating blood is extremely painful

There are only two needle pricks, the first being to test one’s iron levels and the other to donate the blood. Both are near painless and happen extremely fast, other than that there is no pain involved.


Myth – There are already enough donors so why do I need to donate?

There are never enough donors. Donors sometimes are not able to donate due to work and that is why we are in the crisis we are in right now. We are also in need for more donors.


Myth – Donating blood is time consuming.

On average, the whole procedure takes about 20 minutes, from the moment you fill in your form to the moment you have donated your blood. It is something one can do during their lunch break and still have time to do other things.


Myth – I need to be on a special diet to donate blood

You do not need to be on any special diet, you can be eating whatever you like as long as you meet the requirements to donate blood.


Myth – My blood is sold for profit

This is absolutely false as your blood will be given to who ever needs it when they need it.


Myth – After donating blood, your health will deteriorate

Your health will not deteriorate, actually donating blood could help your health as you are told about your blood pressure and iron levels. You could discover potential health scares.


Myth – Since I am on medication I cannot donate blood

There are some medicines that we will not permit donors to donate blood with but one can always come in and consult and find out directly if they can donate while on particular medicine.


Myth – My race and or sexuality prohibit me from donating blood

Sex, gender, sexual preference does not matter when donating blood. We just want people that are well and living a healthy lifestyle.

Details: If you would like to donate blood or require more details, call the service on 011 794 5760.


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