Life-changing outreach in Magaliesburg

RANDPARK RIDGE – Trinityhouse Preparatory School Randpark Ridge take their outreach project to Magaliesburg.

Trinityhouse Preparatory School Randpark Ridge recently went on the Vibes Christian camp where they gave of their time to a school in need.

A group of 44 children along with their four teachers had lots of fun during their community outreach at Kloofwaters Intermediate School in Magaliesburg. The children painted and decorated two classrooms at the school.

They also packed 70 gift bags which contained books and stationery for the local children who attend the school.

“This was a life-changing experience for many of the Trinityhouse children who enjoyed the opportunity to be involved in acts of service for the less fortunate,” said the school’s marketing officer, Robyn Aingworth.

She said the theme for the weekend was ‘Come dine with me’ which was taken from Revelations 3:20 in the Bible where Jesus said: “Here I am, knocking at the door; let me in to dine with you, and you to dine with me.”

She explained that the spiritual challenge was to open your heart and invite conversations with the Lord.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing fun camp activities at Kloofwaters Outdoor Centre. This included flag painting, tree climbing, camp bonfires, night hikes and a talent contest.

“The camp was a great experience for all, thoroughly enjoyed by the campers,” concluded Aingworth.

ALSO READ: Trinityhouse celebrates its 20th anniversary 

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