Randburg police urge residents to be vigilant when at home or at work

KENSINGTON B – Police warn residents to always be on the lookout.


Randburg police are warning residents to be vigilant after two separate robbery incidents in their policing area.

According to the Randburg Police Station spokesperson Captain Makgowanyana Maja, a woman was tied up and robbed while at her workplace in Kensington B.

“On Monday, 8 May at about 10am the victim was at her workplace when she noticed two suspects walking down the stairs. She thought it was customers but noticed a firearm on one of them. They tied her up and demanded money, which they took,” she said.

Maja added that in a separate incident in the Florida policing area, the victim was leaving her house when she was approached by an armed suspect.

“The victim was forced into the house, tied up and robbed of her electrical appliances in the house. As the investigation is continuing in these matters we are appealing to our community to work with us by supplying information and to apply the following safety tips,” he urged.

Maja explained that it was important to know emergency numbers and contact details of your neighbour, off the cuff.

“Know your neighbours and agree on how to get to in touch with one another in the case of emergency.”

Related Article: Are the elderly becoming targets of crime?

Maja gave the following tips:

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