Councillor’s Corner: What does a meeting help?

JOBURG – Read this weeks' question in Councillor's Corner.


This week, Gaahele Mokgoro from Joburg asked:

It is very important for residents to attend meetings within their wards and regions.

But yet, it seems residents show little or no interest in attending. Why is it important for residents to attend these meetings and what do they get out of it? Should I try and attend all meetings in my area?

David Potter, Ward 102 councillor, answered:

It is very important for residents to attend public meetings especially those close to home.

There are a variety of public meetings that the City, councillors or community associations call. The City will from time to time call public meetings to get inputs into the planning of needs and budgets. These meetings are usually held once per year. Other meetings called by the City relate to rates policy changes which also happen annually.

Councillors can call meetings that are on a large ward scale or on a small scale for an issue that affects only a street or a suburb.

Meetings called by councillors are important to attend or if you are unable to attend, have input into via other mediums such as email.

Community associations such as residents associations or street committees call meetings to discuss very localised issues which could be town planning matters, crime or a lack of service delivery from the City on certain issues.

Whatever the type of meeting, it is important to attend to be heard. Suburbs with a lack of attendance or resident involvement on a day to day basis are often the problematic suburbs.

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As a local newspaper we provide a platform for residents to learn about, understand and follow local government. As an extension of that, there is a weekly column called Councillor’s Corner which is a platform for you, our readers, to voice your concerns or questions for ward councillors to respond to.

Different, willing, ward councillors will respond to a question each week.

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