Disc Golf comes to Fontainebleau and the public is invited

FONTAINEBLEAU – Is it a frisbee? Is it a UFO? Is it golf? No its disc golf!

In partnership with Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, CityRock has opened a nine-hole Disc Golf Course in Fontainebleau Park situated on Fourth Lane.

The public is free to use the course as well as the parking area for secure parking.

Discs and scorecards are available at the CityRock gym’s front desk.

The rules which must be adhered to when playing on the disc golf course.


CityRock gym manager, Cally Bishop said, “The whole reason we did this is so that the community can experience their parks again. We made the course free so that everyone can have access to the game. We love seeing people outdoors having fun.”

The course can be played by all ages and skill levels and is designed with the main goal to uplift the park and get families outside and having fun.

The first group of disc golf players, CityRock staff members and Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood.

The course was officially opened on 21 March by the SA Disc Golf League which also donated a number of discs to be used on the course.

Ward 104 councillor, Mike Wood said,

“It is really a great thing to see and seems like a fun sport to play. I am so pleased with the partnership we have been able to create, this helps us keep our parks safe and neat.”

A map out of the 9 hole course.


CityRock will maintain the course and host disc golf workshops in the upcoming months.

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