Welties’ big walk sees a splash of colour

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Local school celebrates its 20-year birthday celebration with a colourful walk.


The well-known and well-loved Weltevreden Park Primary School’s big walk saw a burst colour this year as walkers doused themselves in coloured powder.

Schoolchildren and guests wear old white shirts for the colourful surprise.


The entire primary school, as well as family and friends, gathered at the gates of the school to make the ‘big’ trek through the suburb of Weltevreden Park.

Lots of excited little bodies enjoy the walk.

The 5km walk is always well attended by the community and is the perfect opportunity to embrace the wondrous natural surrounds of the suburb.

The big walk is the first fundraiser of the year for Weltevreden Park Primary School.

The big walk is the school’s first fundraiser of the year and funds go towards the school.

The big walk starts with the Grade 1 classes.

The Sector 2 Honeydew Community Policing Forum as well as other security companies were present to help keep the children and guests safe.

Wow, parents are happy the big walk is over.

This year, to celebrate the school’s 20th birthday, schoolchildren, and especially teachers and parents, were surprised to be covered head to toe in bright coloured powder when turning a corner.

The schoolchildren are unrecognisable with lots of colourful powder.

Walkers returned covered in mud, due to recent rains, and streaked with bright blue, pink and orange.

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