Fontainebleau prepares for water outages

FONTAINEBLEAU – The suburb is warned of rolling planned water outages affecting the area from 8 until 22 March.


FONTAINEBLEAU – The suburb of Fontainebleau will undergo numerous planned water outages this month.

Start Date: 8 March

Time: 8am–5pm

Restoration: 5pm–8pm

Reason: Tie-in of new 110mm and 160mm uPVC water main replacing the old AC Asbestos pipes.

Water tanks to be provided:


Start Date: 14 March

Time: 8am– 5pm

Restoration: 5pm–8pm

Reason: Tie-in of new 250mm and 315mm uPVC water main replacing the old AC Asbestos pipes.

Water tanks to be provided:


Start Date: 16 March

Time: 8am–5pm

Restoration: 5pm–8pm

Reason: Tie-in of new 315mm uPVC water main replacing the old AC Asbestos pipes.

Water tanks to be provided:


Start Date: 22 March

Streets affected:

Rabie, Catherine, Maria, First Avenue, Hester, Second Avenue, Annie, Third Avenue, Republic Road, Fourth Avenue and Martha.

Time: 8am–5pm

Restoration: 5pm–8pm

Reason: Tie-in of new 160mm uPVC water main replacing the old AC Asbestos pipes.

Water tanks to be provided:


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