CPF volunteers needed

HONEYDEW — If you have spare time and a drive to fight crime, the Honeydew CPF could do with your services.

The Honeydew Community Policing Forum (CPF) has invited individuals who have a passion for fighting crime and serving their community to volunteer for unpaid work.

Spokesperson Jon Rosenberg said the organisation was looking for volunteers to help out in different roles in the CPF’s structures including:

• visible patrols

• roadblocks

• marketing at shopping centres

• assisting at the client service centre.

This would not be paid work, he said, and candidates would have to undergo a criminal assessment. “You must also be prepared to go through a vetting process which will include fingerprinting. We will hold a meeting at the Honeydew police boardroom at 6.30pm on 1 February to discuss this in more detail,” Rosenberg said.

Details: Jon Rosenberg 082 450 2305 or jon@jrestates.co.za

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