Cosmo City Rocks administrator remembered for her good work

COSMO CITY – Founder of Cosmo City Rocks Facebook group dies after a short illness

Heart-felt messages have been pouring in on the Cosmo City Rocks Facebook group following the sudden death of its founder, Judy Maureen Parkin (today) 14 December.

Parkin, who is familiar to many as a real estate agent, died in the early hours of Wednesday morning after short illness, according to her employer Brian Chernotsky, the director of Cherno Davis property, where she was employed.

“Parkin was sick and she sadly died in the early hours of Wednesday morning. She worked at our real estate agency for 12 years,” Chernotsky confirmed.

Messages of sadness and support to her family and close friends were shared on Facebook, some even asking about funeral arrangements.

Sphiwe Sinwamali, a group member, was the first to express his disbelief on the group. The post read: “The founder of Cosmo City Rocks Group and property agent queen has fallen. May her soul rest in peace. This was [too] soon my dear administrator. We will sadly miss you.”

After that, over 65 comments overwhelmed the post.

A comment from Jay R Jeans read: “She was a very friendly lady and a close friend that would call almost every day.”

Tawanda Mhlanga said Parkin’s was a good mother figure to her. While others recalled memories of using her services when trying to buy a house in Cosmo City.

“Shame, so sad. I knew her. [We’ve] met a couple times [while trying] to buy a house, Bhekisizwe Musi Sikhosana commented.

The Cosmo City Rocks group allows members to socialise, market brands and find job opportunities.

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