Giving back, one doggie at a time

COSMO CITY – Judy Parkin opens her heart and gives much-needed items to the dogs of Cosmo City.

Two dachshunds greeted the Randburg Sun at the gate of their ‘mommy’s’ house in Cosmo City.
They were excited to get to know someone new and also have their picture taken as they are partly to thank for thousands of dogs being helped in the Cosmo City area.
Judy Parkin, their mommy and founder of Project Kennel, explained that after her home was foreclosed, a donor opened her heart and offered to help Parkin and her two dogs, Sossie and Kiki. Parkin is a real estate agent in Cosmo City and for financial reasons decided to move to Cosmo City.
“I felt that with the help I received from this woman, I also needed to do something to help others.”
It started in May this year. She asked for donations on a Facebook group after which she was able to buy crates (to be used as kennels), blankets, food bowls and dog food for the dogs in Cosmo City. After her first food run, Parkin received 40kg of dog food and it grew from there.
“We now hand out four tins of food with every bag of food.” She added that she recently bought R3 000 worth of food bowls, but this lasts her only three food runs as the need is so big.
“This is why I decided to help my community.” Parkin urged people to put away their prejudice. “Even if you give R50 or R500, your contribution will help to better the life of a dog.”
Parkin said that when they go on a food run, she goes to a random street and asks people if they have dogs. Parkin then checks the house to see how many dogs there are and whether there are small or big dogs.
It is Parkin’s goal to have a weekly collection point in Cosmo City where people in need can collect food for their dogs.
Details: Judy Parkin 073 599 4858.

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