Residents will not participate in the upcoming Spruit Day

BORDEAUX – Residents withdraw from Braamfontein Spruit clean-up due to the ongoing issue of vagrancy.

The plight of vagrancy at the Braamfontein Spruit below the Old Parktonian Sports Club in Bordeaux South has escalated beyond belief, according to residents.

“The conditions are absolutely terrible. The homeless population along our part of the spruit has increased. The areas along the footpath are now occupied, and every rock and bush that isn’t inhabited is used as a latrine,” said Chris Thomas from Bordeaux South Residents Association (BSRA).

He complained of rotting garbage found along the Spruit and said the stench was unbearable as the area was in complete squalor.

“Conditions are equally appalling downstream towards the Scout Hall, one of our proposed collection points. One can clearly see that this is not just litter that needs to be cleaned on Spruit Day, but waste and filth caused by vagrants and recyclers who inhabit what should have been a beautiful area of rocks and natural waterfalls,” he said.

He further mentioned that they could not expect residents to move among these many vagrants’ homes to remove garbage since it is no longer safe. He said it was also established that many them were extremely militant, especially after recent raids by Randburg police and Metro police.

“Local RAs cannot be expected to deal with it alone, it needs firm and decisive action by those authorities whose job it is to look after the parks and open areas in our City,” he said.

The BSRA and Craighall Residents Association had withdrawn from participating in the Spruit Day activities due to these appalling conditions.

“The BSRA would not ask residents to endanger their health and safety by attempting to venture among these camps, therefore, sadly, we will formally withdraw from the activities until a solution can be found to deal with these invasions by vagrants and the degradation of the Braamfontein Spruit between Bordeaux South, Hurlingham and Craighall,” concluded Thomas.

Details: Bordeaux South Residents Association,

Related articles:

GALLERY and VIDEO: Clean-up in the spruit 

GALLERY: Residents clean during Spruit Day

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