Hard work rewarded

HONEYDEW – Detective Constable awarded with CPF shield for his hard work.

To be rewarded for the job you love and work hard at, can only be the cherry on top and could inspire and motivate you and others to continue working hard.

The Honeydew CPF rewards officers from the the Honeydew SAPS  with the Goodwill Shield to show their appreciation. Jon Rosenberg, public relations officer for the Honeydew CPF explained that an officer has received the shield as well as a voucher from Café Finetsa for July.

Detective Constable David Ndabandaba was nominated by Lieutenant Colonel Peet Marais to win the shield for July. Ndabandaba won the shield for various reasons, but his dedication to each investigative scene was one of the main reasons.

“I used to leave my family and go out to trace suspects day and night as I could not rest without finding them,” said Ndabandaba.

He added that he especially works on house robberies. “Randpark Ridge and Weltevreden Park are the problem areas,” said Ndabandaba.

Rosenberg congratulated Ndabandaba and thanked him for his hard work.

“It is so great for me and good to know that there are people noticing your hard work. I hope this will motivate other officers to work hard, as well,” concluded Ndabandaba.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8400.

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