What you need to know about special votes

Special votes will be cast on 1 and 2 August, instead of 3 August. This and other important things about special votes in the upcoming local government elections.

On 1 and 2 August over 740 000 people will cast their votes in the upcoming municipal elections. We take a look at what a special vote is and what will happen to it after your vote is cast.

What is a special vote?

A person can apply to cast a special vote if they are disabled, infirm or pregnant. Special votes will also be afforded to members of the security forces, election officials, the media and any other voters who are unable to visit their voting stations on election day, 3 August.

When and how will special votes be cast?

Special votes will be cast on 1 and 2 August; voters who applied for home visits should ensure they are at home on both theses days. Election officials will only visit your address once and if you are not at home, you will no longer be able to cast a special vote.

You can cast your special vote at voting stations between 8am and 5pm on 1 and 2 August. On 3 August, normal voters can begin voting from 7am until 7pm.

What will happen to the special vote ballots?

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) said the special voting process will undergo the same security protocols as normal voting. There will be additional checks such as a double envelope system, which will allow special votes to be checked against the voters’ roll and the special votes application system while protecting the secrecy of the ballot.

“All special votes collected are stored securely overnight on 1 and 2 August and are then opened, reconciled and added to the ordinary ballots cast on 3 August before counting begins,” the IEC said.

A voter whose application for a special vote was approved but who – for whatever reason – was unable to cast a special vote may still cast their ballot at their voting station on election day.Source: Independent Electoral Commission.

Details: IEC on 0800 11 8000.


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