Two guards overpowered at Pick n Pay armed robbery

PRESIDENT RIDGE – An early morning armed robbery sees one guard assaulted at Pick n Pay.

Three armed males broke into Pick n Pay at Brightwater Commons in the early hours of the morning.

The three armed suspects entered the shopping centre at 4.30am on the pretence that they were delivering newspapers today.

Two centre security guards on the scene were overpowered by the suspects.

According to Linden SAPS operations manager, Captain Alex Vermaak, “They broke the front door at the Pick n Pay, they then proceeded to steal stock such as expensive alcohol, cigarettes and some television sets.

One of the centre’s security guards was assaulted during the struggle.”

ARMED ROBBERY: Guard tied up with shoe laces 

Owner of the Pick n Pay, Mossie Miltiadou, confirmed the incident happened. “My manager alerted me to the robbery at about 5.30 this morning.” He added that they were baffled because the alarm did not go off but it had been serviced two weeks ago and was working perfectly.

Linden Police are continuing the investigation and ask the public to come forward with any information.

Miltiadou added, “We have a lot of damage to the bottle store and cigarette counter. But we are thankful that it was before operating hours and that no one was seriously hurt.”

Details: Linden Police, 011 888 9299.

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