Sharonlea Primary takes over Sharonlea

SHARONLEA – A massive walk for Sharonlea Primary School and a massive step forward.

Hundreds of Sharonlea Primary School pupils took to the leafy streets of Sharonlea for their Big Walk.

The Big Walk on 15 June was held to raise funds for much-needed CCTV cameras around the school. Principal, Carla Hercules, said, “Many pupils are left until very late in the afternoons in the waiting area. There has also been a spate of school burglaries in the Randburg area, and as a result we would like to upgrade the security around the entrance of the school and hopefully the cameras will be a deterrent.”

The walk was a major success with grandparents, parents, and pupils taking to the streets, while residents happily waved them past their driveways. It also brought the school together under a united cause and pupils had a bit of fun too.

Hercules said, “Today was a massive success, it was well attended by the community and pupils.”

She added that by her estimation, they have raised much more than expected.

Details: Sharonlea Primary School, 011 704 3088.

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