
Klein Jukskei River gets cleaned

OLIVEDALE – The Klein Jukskei Green Belt Initiative (KJGBI) was at it again cleaning the Klein Jukskei River as part of their monthly initiative to keep the river spotless.

The Klein Jukskei Green Belt Initiative (KJGBI) was at it again in making the Klein Jukskei River safe, clean and accessible for residents.

Cameron McGregor from KJGBI said that they were ably supported by sponsors Balwin Properties, Adrienne Hersch and Tuffy Bags in providing gloves, bags and waste skips for clearing rubbish and invasive species from the section of river that runs through Robyn Park.

The Klein Jukskei River is kept clean after volunteers tackled the rubbish around it. Photo supplied.
The Klein Jukskei River is kept clean after volunteers tackled the rubbish around it. Photo supplied.

He added that residents from the area, pupils and teachers from the King’s College in Bryanston also joined them and helped to clear felled tree branches and to fill up waste skips.

McGregor pointed out that the vision the KJGBI has is to make the section of the river from Witkoppen Road to Malibongwe Drive safe, clean and accessible for the entire community to enjoy.

“We appeal to the community, resident’s associations and companies in and around Jukskei Park, Olivedale, Douglasdale, Meadowhurst and Bryanston to join in our monthly clean-ups, which happen on the first Saturday of every month,” he said.

Baden and Catherine Dowie with their daughter help to keep the Klein Jukskei River clean. Photo supplied.
Baden and Catherine Dowie with their daughter help to keep the Klein Jukskei River clean. Photo supplied.

He pointed out that the initiative was also registered with Community Hours SA, which meant that anyone, from high-school pupils to any other community member needing volunteer hours, could come and pick up some rubbish and claim hours. “If you or your company would like to be part of the ongoing sustainable solution by sponsoring a clean-up or putting CSI funding into the KJGBI Section 21 company on an ongoing basis, please feel free to contact us,” McGregor said.

Details: KJGBI,

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Community cleans up the Jukskei River


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