Revival of Robins Residents and Ratepayers Association

ROBINDALE – After some years of the RRRA of being dormant, renewed interest is being shown by residents in the suburbs of Robin Hills and Robindale Extensions.

A meeting is scheduled to take place at the Linden Police Station in Boundary Road to elect a new committee for the Robins Residents and Ratepayers Association (RRRA) on 7 June at 7pm.

Lorna Des Fountain a residents in the RRRV area said, “Given the increase in crime statistics in our suburbs and general problems with municipal service delivery, we believe that it is necessary for the community to take action in a concentrated manner through the RRRA.”

According to Des Fountain, in the past, the RRRA worked closely with the sector policing forum as well as the local town councillors to address these important issues which affect the community. It is hoped that the new committee of the RRRA will again be able to provide a formal organisation to enable the concerns and views of the community to be heard.

The Agenda of this meeting will be as follows:

• Introductory address: describing the purpose of the RRRA, the areas included in the RRRA and the future operation of the committee and its focus areas

• Representative from the Sector Policing Forum regarding security and crime

• Representative from SA Police Services

• Representative from the Democratic Alliance

• Special projects to be conducted by the future committee

• Nominations and appointment of representatives from the community to the RRRA.

To register for the meeting please log on to their Facebook page

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