Friendships made at Trinityhouse sports festival

RANDPARK RIDGE – Trinityhouse Blues lose against Merchiston Preparatory.

The second day of the Trinityhouse Preparatory Randpark Ridge rugby and netball festival saw a massive rugby battle between Trinityhouse Blues and Merchiston Preparatory School.

Trinityhouse Blues lost to Merchiston with a final score of 43–12.

Merchiston, that hails from Pietermaritzburg, started off the rugby match with a strong attacking side. It was clear who the crowd favourites were as the Trinityhouse Blues had home support with a sea of pupils cheering from the sidelines.

Merchiston rugby coach Riaan Bisschoff said, “We want to thank Trinityhouse for their invitation and giving us the privilege to compete in the festival.”

Trinityhouse Blues tried their best to keep the ball in their opponents’ half but struggled to pass the ball. Trinityhouse Blues coach JD Wessels said, “So far the festival has shown some hard and intense rugby but it’s very enjoyable.”

Bisschof added that it was a great game, and although the match was tough, many friendships were formed.

Wessels commented, “It was our second match and for the rest of the festival we will continue to show great spirit and play good rugby.”

Details: Trinityhouse Preparatory School Randpark Ridge, 011 794 4799.

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