Police warn elderly residents about crime trends

FERNDALE – Randburg Police encourage elderly residents to be more vigilant.

Police advised elderly residents and members of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk to be more vigilant and avoid becoming victims of crime.

Randburg Police held a crime awareness campaign at the church in Ferndale on 5 May to educate elderly residents about crime trends.

Sector 3 manager, Constable Gerry Maluleke told residents to avoid being easy targets creating opportunities for criminals.

Sector 3 Manager Const Gerry Maluleke encourages elderly residents to be more vigilant.

He said that the Joburg area was hostile that crime was escalating almost every day. “the powers of the police are limited. South Africa is more dangerous than it used to be,” he said.

He indicated that businesses such as gold exchange merchants and scrap yards in Randburg were creating more opportunities for criminals to steal resident’s valuable items.

“These businesses contribute to the increase in crime as most criminals know they can steal jewellery or cables and easily sell them,” he said.

Maluleke warned that car jamming was a reality and that most victims had lost valuable items such as laptops, ipads, cameras and cellphones.

Police spokesperson, Constable Stanley Bopape said they had embarked on a campaign as the station to educate elderly residents within their precinct.

“We are encouraging other churches to get involved with us as we continue to ensure the safety of all residents within our area. Those who want us to talk with residents should call us,” he concluded.

Resident Dirk Fourie said he was impressed. “This campaign is impressive and I wish these police officials well in their future endeavours. It is a positive contribution to us,” he said.

Sector 3 Manager Const Gerry Maluleke and Dirk Fourie exchange contact details.

He concluded that working together with the police would help decrease the level of crime.

Details: Randburg Police, 011 794 6869.

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