Legal procedures to erect speed humps

JOHANNESBURG – How to obtain a speed hump for a problematic road in your area.

Residents of Cosmo City took matters into their own hands when they erected their own speed humps on a road where speeding drivers are a major problem.

Even though their intentions were good, at the end of the day it was illegal to build their own speed humps without the permission of the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) and the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD).

JRA has provided the necessary steps to legally obtaining traffic humps to help communities avoid getting into trouble with the law:

These documents must to be submitted to the JRA Traffic Engineering and Analysis Department for assessment and approval.

On receipt of approval from the JRA;

“Speed humps also have disadvantages that residents might want to consider such as speed humps being a problem for emergency vehicles and fire engines. Apart from the major discomfort to ambulance passengers, they also delay response times substantially,” JRA operations manager Bertha Peters-Scheepers said.

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Residents take matters into their own hands


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