Sanral to issue e-toll summonses against defaulters

JOBURG – Road users who persistently refused to settle their e-toll debt may receive civil summonses over the next few days.

South African National Road Agency Limited (Sanral) announced on 21 March that the first set of civil summonses to individuals was being delivered by sheriffs in different jurisdictions in Gauteng province.

According to the entity, road users who persistently refused to settle their e-toll debt may receive civil summonses over the next few days.

This decision comes at the end of an extensive period of communications between Sanral and vehicles owners who apparently neglected to pay outstanding debts.

Sanral indicated in a statement that since the introduction of the 60 per cent discount on e-toll debt in November 2015, it was also made clear that there would be an introduction of debt collection against serial defaulters.

The Electronic Toll Collection company (ETC) who runs the system on behalf of Sanral, has reiterated and amplified this, not only through the media but also directly to individuals through phone calls, e-mails and SMS messages.

“SANRAL has a responsibility towards the country and the thousands of compliant vehicle owners who regularly pay their e-toll accounts to recover the outstanding debt from defaulters,” said Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project manager Alex van Niekerk.

“We have an obligation to act. The global rating agencies and the investment community are also looking towards Sanral and expect from us to demonstrate our commitment to financial responsibility and high standards of corporate governance,” he added.

He concluded that a civil summons should not be confused with criminal proceedings.

“It is similar to not have to pay any commercial accounts and should not be confused with a criminal case,” concluded Van Niekerk.

Meanwhile, Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) insisted that Sanral’s decision to tackle the high value, corporate defaulters, on the basis of a civil charge, was questionable, in that this angle was generally one taken on disputes of a contractual nature.

According to Outa, it would appear that companies and people who may therefore, be at risk of a summons, are those who have signed Sanral’s e-toll contracts in the past and have now defaulted on these.

“We know of many businesses and individuals who have paid up and cancelled their agreements with Sanral and by doing so, have joined the other 80 to 90 per cent of the road users who are not paying,” said Wayne Duvenage, chairperson of Outa.

Details: South African National Road Agency Limited, 0800 726 725.

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