Corporate computers change children’s lives

NORTH RIDING - Team Xperien cyclists aim to gain sponsors for NGOs to better the lives of those less fortunate.

Local IT asset disposal (ITAD) specialist, Xperien, has launched a new initiative called Urban Mining, which aims to assist non-profit organisations that provide education and assistance to disadvantaged children in South Africa.

At the forefront of the initiative is Team Xperien Cycling, which raises awareness for non-profit organisations at cycling events. The team and its supporters network at key cycling events to create exposure for sponsors, who then contribute to Xperien’s Urban Mining initiative with old computers or monetary donations.

Xperien is an ambassador for Love Trust and Wheel Well, two non-profit organisations that are focused on the development and safety of children. As part of Urban Mining, Xperien collects redundant computers from corporate companies, in the offer to sanitise the data and refurbish the computers.

The computers are also sold and the money is given to both organisations to support their initiatives. Wheel Well is the only non-profit organisation that focuses exclusively on road safety for children in South Africa and Love Trust provides quality Christian education for vulnerable children.

“We believe that Love Trust is making significant headway in the struggle to eradicate poverty through the provision of world-class, quality driven education for those that need it most,” said Xeprien CEO, Wale Arewa,

CEO of Xeprien, Wale Arewa, believes Love Trust eradicates poverty and Wheel well is an effective agent in road safety for children. Photo supplied.

“Similarly, Wheel Well strives to be the most visible, audible and effective change agent in Road Safety for Children in South Africa, thereby reducing the death toll of children on our roads,” Arewa added.

Since both NGOs have a focus on less fortunate children, Xperien decided to support Love Trust and Wheel Well in their goals to improve the lives of South African children.

Founder of Wheel Well, Peggie Mars, said, “The people at Xperien are fantastic. They have helped us out on so many levels. We have benefited greatly from the exposure as more people realise there is help and a solution to child road safety. They have helped keep the doors open.”

“We hope that our relationship with Xperien will keep on growing and together we make a change to the quality of education in South Africa,” said Chantal Verster of Love Trust.

Founder of Wheel Well, Peggie Mars, says Xperien has helped keep their doors open. Photo supplied.

Details: Xperien, 011 462 8806; Wheel Well, 072 385 7121; Love Trust, 011 318 2481.

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