WATCH: Woman rescued from flash flood

WINDSOR WEST –Flash floods caused the woman’s car to be swept up and off the road.

A woman was lucky to escape serious injury when her vehicle was washed off the road during a flash flood.

The incident occurred on 11 March in the evening on Kings Avenue in Windsor West.

It is understood that the vehicle was pushed onto an embankment and was stopped by a pallisade fence from going into a raging river.

Thankfully for the woman, believed to be in her 30s, a man and woman in another vehicle stopped to help her.

The water was about a metre high. The people who stopped to help the woman managed to get her out of the vehicle.

ER24 paramedics were contacted by a bystander. Upon assessment it was found that the woman was fine.

ER24 is urging people to be careful on the roads. Avoid flooded areas and low-water bridges. Remember that heavy downpour or storms can result in trees being uprooted, tree branches being broken as well as other dangerous items flowing onto the road. Keep headlights on and pay close attention to what is happening around you.

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