Residents publish magazine for retirement village

DARRENWOOD – Residents document their daily lives and interests in their community magazine.

Residents from Darrenwood Village are passionate about what happens in their residence and in their surrounding community. Different residents are involved in various interesting activities and projects.

Village Vibes is a magazine that documents the lives and interests of residents from the village.The magazine was established last year by Briij Buchanan, who is the editor. Buchanan said the magazine initially started off as a newsletter after the former one was discontinued.

A section from Village Vibes that is written by residents.

“The newsletter gradually grew into a magazine after I received positive feedback from residents.The number of pages varies from 16 to 24, depending on the number of stories featured in the magazine. Several different residents contribute to the content in the magazine,” said Buchanan.

Professor Keyan Tomaselli, who is a resident at Darrenwood Village, said he was approached to write a column for Village Vibes and was appointed as the media advisor. He writes a monthly column called Keyan’s Corner.

“I write about issues relating to our retirement village, how people keep themselves busy and what projects the various committees are involved in. The gardening committee writes about their landscaping projects, some residents write about the architectural design in the village, current affairs that affect residents, share recipes and interesting stories about a time in their life,” explained Professor Tomaselli.

He added that the magazine is funded by readers who have responded to their appeals to contribute toward the printing costs. They have also received great feedback from people outside of the community.

“Village Vibes is also sent electronically to residents and everyone else who takes an interest in reading our magazine. Residents often have children who are all over the world. The electronic version of the magazine allows them to send the magazine to them, so they can know how their loved ones are living and what is happening in the village,” said Prof Tomaselli.


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