The State of the Nation

JOBURG – EFF and Cope members leave during the Sona.

President Jacob Zuma addressed the State of the Nation on 11 February.

The proceedings took place in the Houses of Parliament, the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces in Cape Town.

Parliament started on a shaky note when EFF’s Floyd Shivambu, joined by EFF leader Julius Malema, interrupted Parliament before it had started. The EFF was

disruptive to the point where they were asked to leave the chambers which they did willingly, after a number of further interruptions chanting, “Zupta must fall” even during the President’s speech and on their way out.

President Zuma took to the podium after the EFF and Cope members had left and made his speech with no interruptions. He started off by acknowledging that 11 February marked the 26th year that former President Nelson Mandela was released from prison, which was one of the most remarkable episodes in the history of our country and that the year 2016 also marks the 20th anniversary of the signing into law by Mandela, of the Constitution of the Republic in 1996. “We are proud of our democracy and what we have achieved in a short space of time. Our democracy is functional, solid and stable,” said President Zuma.

Points noted by President Zuma:

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