World unites for World Cancer Day

OLIVEDALE – Health professionals and organisations raise awareness about cancer on World Cancer Day.

On 4 February people around the world celebrate World Cancer Day to raise awareness about different kinds of cancer that millions of people are affected by globally.

World Cancer Day aims to inform people on preventable cancer-related deaths through education, encouraging those affected, their families and organisations that support the fight against the disease.

Oncologist Sister at Netcare Olivedale Hospital Devi Gans said that on World Cancer Day people should be aware of the different signs they may experience related to cancer.

“I encourage people to consult a doctor if they notice any suspicious changes in their body. The earlier a person is diagnosed the sooner treatment can be done on them to cure them of the cancer dected in their body,” said Gans.

According to studies, there are more than 200 kinds of cancer that exist. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer dected in women in South Africa. Other kinds of cancer that both men and women can be affected by are blood cancer, bone cancer, throat cancer, colon cancer, oral and rectal cancer.

Gans said that depending on the type of cancer, they are mostly treated through chemotherapy and radiation. Going through this process minimises the rate of further complications and the cancer spreading when left untreated.

Radiation Unit Manager at Netcare Olivedale Hospital Louise de Swart said that her team always supports and raises awareness toward cancer. She explained how she informs patients and their families about cancer risks and the treatment process.

” Once a year we offer our staff members in-house training from the oncology department. There are a number of staff members’ families who are disgnosed with cancer. Teaching them about how to detect cancer and treat it empowers them to raise awareness in their own communities,” said De Swart.

There are a number of cancer support organisations in South Africa who raise awareness about cancer. Organisations such as The Cancer Association of South Africa, Wings of Hope Cancer Support, CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa and Little Fighter Cancer Trust.

Related articles:

Wings of Hope raises awareness for Cancer 

Women’s workshop about Cancer 

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