VIDEO: Old age no boundary

BOSKRUIN – Women exercise not only their bodies, but make new friends at fitness classes held by the SA Seniors Fitness Association.

Kick, wave, stretch and bend are just some of the things that fitness junkies over the age of 55 can still do with ease at the Boskruin Community Centre.

The Keep Fit over 50 classes is a South African Senior Fitness Association (SASFA) initiative. The instructor, Anne Pearse said that the class is held twice a week at the centre and has about 50 people over the age of 55 attending regularly. The classes is not also good for physical exercise, but helps to prevent illness affiliated with old age.

The women looked energized while marching to gentle, yet well-known music. Pearse stood in front of the class motivating the many participants to go faster. Some women even sang along while moving to the beat. Joyce Wrinch-Schulz was the eldest participant at 88. Some of her classmates said that she is an inspiration. According to Wrinch-Schulz, she has had heart problems in the past, but can exercise right alongside women much younger than her.

Many women agreed that these classes are the best place to make friends. “When I moved here, I knew nobody, this is where I made new friends,” said a participant, Dale Brown. Pearse agreed that these ladies support each other. Sheila Wood (76) and Jackie Antonites (80) have already been involved in these classes for 20 years. “It is great fun,” said Wood.

These women armed with their towels, tekkies and water bottles would most likely put much younger fitness lovers to shame with their young-of-heart spirit.

Details: Keep Fit over 50, 011 678 4874.

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