The Department of Home affairs refuses to renew ID for granny

COSMO CITY – Name, surname and age are incorrect on ID.

Senior resident Phembelani Ndzengwa from Cosmo City was refused to renew her ID by the Department of Home Affairs in Randburg.

After Ndzengwa (67) was issued an ID with the incorrect name, surname and age in 2004, her daughter Thokozile Suru heard on the radio in 2015 that people were encouraged by the Department of Home Affairs to come forward and rectify them to get new IDs.

Suru took her mother to the Department of Home Affairs Randburg in September last year, and they were told to fill in a form and come back after three months, which is when Suru was told that they could not do anything about giving her mother a new ID. Ndzengwa’s age on the ID stated that she is 10 years younger. She is supposed to be getting her pension as she cannot work because she is partially blind, but now her ID says that she is too young. “I see darkness through my eyes on most days and I wish my ID could be sorted out so that I can help my daughter and my grandchildren with my pension,” said Ndzengwa.

An emotional Suru, who was in tears, said that she is a domestic worker with two children and her mother to support on a salary of R1 800. “My mother’s pension money could really help us out,” said Suru.

From Suru’s R1 800 salary she has to pay rent of R1 000 for their one room shared among four people and use R400 for transport every month. She is only left with R400 to provide for her children, herself and her mother.

Director of the Department of Home Affairs, Mkuseli Apleni said, “Home Affairs does change names when there is a request, I would like the lady to SMS me the ID number in question so that it can be traced and sorted out.” He did, however, mention that Ndzengwa and Suru took too long to rectify the mistake. Apleni added that people should take down the names of the staff members who turn them away with no reason at the Department of Home Affairs, and report them to the ID supervisor on 011 792 0192.

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