Maintain trust in elected leadership

A Merry Christmas from ward 89's councilor.

Ward 89 councillor Amelia Bester, wishes residents a Merry Christmas.

“Liquorice and I wish Ward 89 residents a peaceful festive season.

“We hope you’ll enjoy quality time with your loved ones.

“We have had many challenges and opportunities in 2016. It has taken a bit of time to familiarise myself with the political environment and institutions involved in the day-to-day running of the City of Johannesburg. The lack of spending on maintenance and infrastructure in the last two decades have caused frustration at all levels.

“We receive an overwhelming amount of service delivery and billing-related complaints from residents and this causes a delay in the roll-out of programmes I have envisioned for our ward.

“I want to extend a call to residents to maintain hope and trust in the elected leadership to get this City back on track. This will take time; however, I thank you for your patience and ongoing support.”

Details: Amelia Bester on email: 072 472 4196.

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