Ralf Bittkau speaks to the community

WARD 101 –Ralf Bittkau reflects on the months of 2015 in his ward.

Ward 101 Councillor Ralf Bittkau sends his wishes for the festive season.

It is hard to believe, that it is this time of year again.

The months have flown by in a flash and here we are just before Christmas.

As far as the ward is concerned, it has been a fairly good year. We have faced challenges and taken them on with vigour.

One such challenge was the drug dealing around the infamous Aruba Lounge which finally closed in the middle of the year.

Unfortunately, the drug dealing has persisted at the old municipal nursery near Northgate and Joburg Property Company, who is responsible for this property, has done nothing to help the community.

At this point, however, I must thank the teams from both Sector 1 Honeydew and Sector 1 Douglasdale for the outstanding work done by members of the community to keep crime levels as low as they are. There are many involved and I do not want to single out individuals in case I miss someone.

I am proud of the spirit in this community that is shown by the number of resident associations that are springing up and the involvement in groups like The Friends of Golden Harvest, who are doing an excellent job of fighting for and looking after our park, together with the team from City Parks. While we are on the subject of Golden Harvest Park, I must mention the Park Run Team that started with their weekly Saturday morning run just a few months ago.

They now have close to 300 runners and walkers every Saturday and through this have brought much-needed activity into the park. On a personal note, I am proud to say that I have been appointed as the Shadow Member of the Mayoral Committee for Environment and Infrastructure. I now want to thank all residents for their support throughout the year and wish all a relaxing and crime-free festive season. If you are going away, please travel safely and remember that next year is an election year.

Should you not be registered, please note that you can do so at your local voting station on 6–7 February and on 5–6 March.

The elections, by the way, are muted to be around the 18 May.

Details: Ward 101 Councillor Ralf Bittkau, ralf@polka.co.za or 084 572 4002.

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