JRA promises to fix bridge

MALANSHOF – Ward 104 Councillor Mike Wood points out a bridge that has had missing hand railings for over nine months.

Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood has pointed out a bridge in Gertrude Street Malanshof that has its hand railings missing. Wood said that since the hand railings were washed away by a flood that happened in February, there has been no action from the Joburg Roads Agency to replace the missing railings despite him reporting the matter numerous times.

Ward 104 Councillor Mike Wood shows the missing hand railings at the bridge in Gertrude Street in Malanshof.

“I have reported it to the JRA call center and have had numerous discussions with the management of the JRA to get the hand railings replaced, but to date there has been no progress,” Wood said.

He added that previously the bridge was dirty and was filled with litter and debris but pointed out that JRA eventually did clean out the bridge but had yet to address the issue with the railings.

He added that the missing hand railings posed a danger to pedestrians who walked over the bridge and asked what would happen should someone fall into the river?

This bridge in Gertrude Street Malanshof is missing its hand railings and poses a danger to residents.

JRA spokesperson Bertha Peters-Scheepers sad that JRA was aware of the missing hand rails at the bridge on Gertrude Street. “Our depot will ensure the railings are replaced as JRA is committed to ensuring the safety, security and livability of the City’s road infrastructure for all our residents,” she said. She pointed out, however, any bridge structure with hand railings is still not a safe area for children, as they could climb over the railing or walk around the bridge railing into the river, and JRA therefore cautioned parents to always monitor their children in areas such as these.

“The JRA, after receiving the service request makes the area safe within 48 hours while ascertaining the damage on the bridge. Upon the receiving of the material the bridge is then maintained or repaired,” Peters-Scheepers concluded.

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Councillor addresses Ward 104 concerns 


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