Girl Scout volunteer inspired to help others

NORTH RIDING – Girl Guides South Africa volunteer is passionate about helping young women be the best they can.

Girl Guides South Africa is an organisation that teaches young women about real life issues, instills leadership qualities and enjoyment by participating in fun activities such as camping and hiking.

Candice Mason has always wanted to make a difference in the lives of people. She joined Girl Guides South Africa Head Quarters in North Riding two years ago when she responded to an ad in the finance department.

Mason does volunteer work for Girl Guides South Africa and assists wherever she is needed in programmes such as youth exchange projects. “The idea of a non-formal way of preparing the girls as young as four and a half for life in the world absolutely wowed,” she said.

She decided to volunteer to be in charge of the Florida Park High Rangers as a guider to a group of 25 young women who are between the ages of 14 to18 years old.

” Together we learned that even if we don’t have many resources, there are still ways we could reach out to our immediate community in Florida. We are involved in initiatives such as the Cecil Payne Stadium clean-up, an environmental clean-up of the Hammerkop Bird Sanctuary and supported the Cansa shaveton and ice-bucket challenge.

Girl Guides member Hilary White said that Candice was awarded two special Guiding awards at the annual AGM of Girl Guides South Africa earlier this year. She also received a Naledi Award that is given to young women of Girl Guides in recognition of her outstanding service to the Girl Guides.

Mason was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2014 and realised the importance of making every day count. ” I live for what I do. Even though my

oncologist declared me terminal, nothing will stop me from serving Girl Guides and the community,” she said.

“Candice won another award for fortitude and bravery. She has really amazed so many members of Guiding for her courage,defiance to the disease and just her grittiness,” White said.

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