
Attacker gets 15 years in jail

STRIJDOM PARK – Business owner has peace as one of his attacker was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Business owner Sam [who wished to not give his surname] who was attacked and tied up with his own shoelaces by three suspects during an armed robbery, is pleased one of his attackers is behind bars.

The owner of Madeira Food Distributors in Strijdom Park reckoned that his experience during the incident was very unpleasant.

“I am glad he is behind bars but his two accomplices are still out there, posing threat and fear to us,” he explained.

This follows a successful prosecution that sent his assailant to 15 years in prison for armed robbery with aggravating circumstances.

Norman Mnasheng (40) was sentenced after an overwhelming trial at the Randburg Magistrates’ Court which ended on 30 September.

The robbers assaulted the businessman at gunpoint and fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.

“Apparently he was out on parole for other crimes of housebreaking and business robbery when he robbed us. How can they give those people parole,” complained the local businessman.

Although he was glad that justice was done he warned business owners to be more vigilant.

“When suspicious people walk into your business premises, always observe around their waist if they carry guns or not,” warned the business owner.

Mnasheng was arrested in November last year after police investigations and his trial only ended recently, after Sam spent two days in the witness stand testifying against him.

Randburg Police spokesperson Constable Stanley Bopape said the successful prosecution indicated that police were indeed following those cases till the end.

“Robbers should know that we investigate these incidents. This is an example,” said Const Bopape.

Details: Randburg Police 011 449 3514.

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