Do something meaningful for animals – NSPCA

JOBURG – The public is advised to do something meaningful for the animals during the International Animal Week.

The National Council of SPCAs is calling upon all caring people to actively support the International Animal Week, which is held from 4 to 10 October.

International Farm Animal Day was on 2 October and the World Animal Day was on 4 October, but the public is encouraged to do something meaningful for the animals by actively supporting them “in whatever way you can.”

The aim of the week is to recognise and celebrate the role that animals play in our lives and the need to treat all animals with compassion and respect.

“So often people hear of an atrocity involving an animal and ask what they can do. We need to recognise that each one of us can make a lasting difference to the lives of animals,” explained NSPCA Public relations officer Christine Kuch.

“This may involve very few lifestyle changes but can have an enormous and very positive impact on animals.”

Things that people can do to support this campaign:

*Suggestions include choosing to adopt from an SPCA, insisting on free range and humanely produced foods and avoiding any activities that in any way compromise the welfare of an animal or animals.

*Ask questions, then question the answers and make sure you are comfortable before supporting. [For example, what may be called or promoted as a rehabilitation centre, sanctuary or welfare organisation with wild animals that can be petted or fed by hand is misleading and unethical.]

*Support circuses with no wild animal acts. Note and report cruelty.

*Do not be afraid to speak out.

*Making a conscious decision not to support websites that trade in live animals sends out a clear message, as does stating exactly why you will not attend or support “festivities” where fireworks are used.

Details: National Council of SPCA

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