City Power overcharges pensioner

FONTAINEBLEAU – Pensioner complains that he is overcharged for his electricity usage.

Manfred Mullers, a pensioner, is disgruntled with City Power after receiving his monthly account statement.

The Fontainebleau resident, complained that the amount reflected on his account had almost doubled compared to what he was paying in previous months.

According to Mullers, ever since City Power’s attempt to fix damaged electricity boxes – damaged by floods in February near 29 River Road, he has been receiving inaccurate meter reading.

He further explained that the damaged electric box was locked but not fixed properly and City Power is charging him for the highest tariff, as the consumption looked very high, while it was not.

“My point is that they need to come and do an accurate actual reading, because the interim reading from last month is incorrect,” he said.

In August he was charged an amount of R858. 51 and in September the bill increased to a whooping R1 303, 07.

City Power  spokesperson Hloni Motloung insisted it was advisable for residents to report their problems with the utility before rushing to the media.

“We need to be given a chance to respond to such matters first before customers run to the papers. The customer must have gone through the system and gotten frustrated before going to media,” said Motloung.

Details: City Power 011490 7607.

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