Walk against drugs

KENSINGTON B – The entries for the walk against drugs will close on 31 August.

Break the Shame, an NGO dedicated to assisting recovering addicts, will host the an anti-drug walk on 19 September in an effort to create awareness and curb the scourge of drug use in the Randburg SAPS precinct.

With the support of Randburg SAPS, the Randburg Community Policing Forum (CPF) and the Randburg Local Drug Action Committee (LDAC), the initiative aims to raise awareness to the solutions of education and recovery.

The Walk against Drugs is 4km, and will commence and end at the Ferndale High School, with live entertainment by well-known artists and food stalls to soothe the weary muscles.

To claim a free goodie bag, register online by 31 August by sending a short message “walk + name” to 32 545 or by sending an email to info@breaktheshamerorg.za. All residents are welcome to join the walk. Participation is free.

Randburg CPF chairperson Sandy Andrew said, “We appealed for sponsorship and people have responded positively but we still need more.” She said organisers were urgently looking for sponsorship to pay for the printing of 10 000 pamphlets.

“We need to show the sellers of drugs that there is zero tolerance from the Randburg public. They are killing our children. We are also encouraging schools to come and participate,” she added.

The proposed route has yet to be finalised by JMPD, but will include the Randburg CBD.

Elani Richardson from Break the Shame emphasised that the walk is not just for recovering addicts, but is open to the general public. “This is a walk to let people know that there is help out there. The recovering community is big and most people do not know about us,” said Richardson.

Randburg SAPS Acting Station Commander Colonel Andries Odendaal explained that Randburg Police have always been against drugs in its precinct. “We have recently shifted our focus. We are no longer only focusing on users but also the suppliers. Drug abuse is not itself just a problem but it also leads to other crimes,” he said.

He concluded that with the right attitude the cycle of drug-use can be broken.

Details: CPF Randburg on 082 433 6085; Break the Shame on 083 795 3617; Randburg SAPS 011 449 9000.

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