Noise cafe or News Cafe – frustrates residents

NORTH RIDING – 'Noise Cafe' disrupts residents in area with high noise levels.

There have been a number of complaints about the high noise levels coming from the News Cafe in North Riding. According to comments on Twitter residents who stay in surrounding houses are affected by high noise levels that continue until the early hours of the morning.

In response, owner of the News Cafe, Rene Kollopen said he only received a formal complaint two months ago through an email sent to him by an angry resident. “I regularly visit our social media page and take the public’s complaints into consideration. Since the last complaint I tried to engage with the complainant but he was unresponsive,” he said.

Kollopen claims he even went to the extent of removing four speakers to using only two speakers to accommodate the community because he didn’t want problems with the neighbours. “I would like the opportunity to engage with complainants along with a member from our head office and the JMPD. That is the best way to solve these issues when we have more direction on how to,” he said. He also added that at News Cafe have arranged for customers to only use the side door to smoke in order to minimise any additional noise emanating from the building.

Ward 101 councillor Ralf Bittkau said that he had not received any formal complaints regarding the noise level coming from News Cafe in the area. He highlighted that residents need to follow a certain process when laying complaints regarding community issues.

“When laying a complaint, an urban inspector is called in, then an environmental health inspector needs to evaluate the sound level at night. Lastly, together with the JMPD, the matter will be taken up with the owner of the establishment,” Bittkau said.

Details: News Cafe or 011 794 6939, Ward 101 councillor Ralf Bittkau 084 572 4002, JMPD 011 758 9100.

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