North Riding has become crime ridden

NORTH RIDING – A victim of crime believes that crime in North Riding is on the rise.

Selaelo Kganane was allegedly robbed at gunpoint by four unknown men at 4.30pm while on her way to her place of work in Aureole Avenue which is adjacent to her residential complex.

“I usually walk because my workplace is not far from where I stay,” said Kganane. She explained how she was approached by the men.

“One of them hit me on my head with a gun. Fortunately, security guards heard me scream and responded quickly. I don’t know what would have happened,” she said.

They got away with her handbag, cellphone, identity documents and her cards.

She feels crime is on the rise in the area.

According to Kganane, two of her friends were also robbed within a period of a week in North Riding.

One was robbed in Northgate Shopping Centre and the other in the Bel Air Shopping Mall.

Douglasdale Sector 1 Community Policing Forum (CPF) chairperson Charmaine van Rijswijk said the CPF tried to clean open land adjacent to Malibongwe Drive just opposite Aureole Avenue.

“We have a very active Neighbourhood Watch and security companies who monitor that area,” explained Van Rijswijk.

She said street lights in the area were not fully functioning and it was advisable for residents to report incidents to their Ward councillor.

“It is advisable for women to refrain from walking alone – especially, during the night and early in the morning,” she cautioned.

Honeydew acting SAPS spokesperson Captain Mtila Dikolomela said they were aware of most of the crime incidents that occurred in the North Riding area.

“We are investigating an incident of robbery with a firearm,” explained Capt Dikolomela.

She added that they conducted an awareness campaign in the area. “The victims turned out to be those people who normally walk alone during the night in secluded places,” Capt Dikolomela concluded.

Details: Honeydew SAPS 011 801 8614.

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