Warm hearts create warm blankets

KENSINGTON B – Blankets are handed over to the Randburg Trauma Centre.

Heaps of blankets were donated to the Randburg SAPS Trauma Centre in Kensington B on 18 August.

Donna Sipman, a resident of Vandia Grove, was so inspired by the example of the Vandia Gardens Resident’s Association, of which she is a member, that she started her own initiative. In her effort to keep those in her community warm, Sipman has been collecting knitted squares from people in the community.

“I started this initiative for winter but I still feel these blankets can be used to warm the hearts of those visiting the Randburg SAPS Trauma Centre,” said Sipman.

Among those in the community who contributed, the following made a notable difference: Cheryl Parnell and the teachers from the Delta Park School, Michele Scholtz and her knitting group (Marina Prinsloo, Ann Olivier, Liz Rattray, Dawn Kreunen, Angela de Bruyn, Karin Fouché) from Randpark Ridge, and employee of Pearce Oppel, and Alison Frost.

The blankets were handed over to Sergeant Cookie Maphaga at the centre. Grade 11 pupil Kelly De Gouveia from St Teresa’s School was also present at the hand-over. She handed over a few blankets that were collected for her community services programme at school.

Sgt Maphaga said on behalf of the Randburg SAPS Trauma Centre, “We thank everyone that helped knit, to create the blankets. It means the world to those who can benefit from them.”

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