Damaged electricity boxes left unattended

FONTAINEBLEAU – Electricity boxes that were damaged by floods in February are not yet fixed.

It has been five months since the electricity boxes were damaged by severe floods in Fontainebleau near 29 River Road.

The damaged electricity boxes are near the river bank just behind the fenced properties, which is accessible from the end of Maria Street.

Damaged electricity meter boxes in Fontainebleau pose a safety risk. Photo supplied.

A concerned resident who stays not far from the damaged boxes complained that he had been reporting the incident since February and nothing has been done.

Manfred Muellers explained that he reported the matter to the Ward councillor and City Power, but the boxes are still not fixed.

“Live electric wires are in open space and are a danger to the community. If children happen to play around this place, obviously, there will be a huge problem,” said Muellers.

Ward 99 councillor Bruce Herbert complained that he reported the accident several times to the Joburg Council as well and nothing has been done yet.

“Those boxes should have been fixed months ago. Those boxes are a threat to the children and I have reported this problem several times,” he explained.

Herbert subsequently attended the council meeting on 13 August and addressed this problem. “I threw my toys at the head of City Power and he assured me he would treat this matter urgently,” concluded Herbert.

According to City Power, repairs are scheduled to commence this week.

Details: Ward 99 councillor Bruce Herbert 083 274 355.

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