Cresta paid parking public meeting

CRESTA – Paid parking debate is addressed by Cresta management.

A public meeting was held on 30 July after much conflict between shoppers and Cresta Shopping Centre Management over the paid parking saga.

In a public forum at the Barnyard Theatre, residents had a chance to address their concerns to Cresta management.

Virginia Bester, general manager; Elena Yiallouris, marketing manager; Mandla Dlamini security manager; Pieter Vilijoen, retail manager and media staff were present to answer any pressing questions.

Yiallouris explained how the centre had conducted a series of surveys to deduce what concerns shoppers and households in the area had.

“From the information gathered from the surveys, Cresta concluded that shoppers just don’t feel secure, they wanted a more visible security system in place,” said Yiallouris.

An elderly resident commented, “I have never had a problem with the parking. My concern is keeping the human interaction with the security guards who know me well and make sure I get to my car safely. I am scared that the booms will result in a lack of human visibility.”

Cresta will still have security guards at each boom plus additional guards placed throughout the centre.

Retail manager Vilijoen said, “We have about 1.4 million customers at Cresta a month – our top priority is to keep our shoppers, tenants and staff safe.”

According to security manager Dlamini, the centre has upgraded all of its lighting including the installation of flood lights around the property. They have also fenced off the centre as well as installed numerous cameras throughout.

Spark will be the new parking operator, Popo Protection Services T/A Renaissance Security and Cleaning Services will be handling security. Dlamini added that the security guards currently hired have been given the opportunity to apply for a permanent position at the centre.

“Because they are employed by an external company they will be redeployed to other areas serviced by the company,” said Dlamini.

The tariffs (See picture below) will include a one-hour free parking period as well as weekday and weekend flat rates after 6pm.

The funds received from the tariffs will go toward the investment made to upgrade the security.

Other concerns from residents were that of power outages.

“The generators have been ordered and will be installed within the next three weeks or so,” explained Yiallouris.

A major concern was the fact that the public meeting was held at 10am on a weekday, three days before the commencement of the paid parking.

Cresta noted this and has promised to host more frequent and convenient meetings.

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