67 dresses for Mandela Day

BRYANSTON — The Fairy Godmother collects 67 dresses for 67 lucky Matric pupils.

The Fairy Godmother Project collected gowns, jewellery, shoes and bags for underprivileged Matric girls for Mandela Day.

The project will add these items to their total collection of donations for the girls.

Hazel Schreiber said once all the items are collected, they will put them on racks for the girls to shop ’till they drop’ for their Matric farewells.

“The girls come from different schools and they choose their own outfits for their farewell. We also have people donate make-up and do their hair on the night of the farewell and they get to keep the entire outfit.”

The aim this year was to collect 67 items as part of Mandela Day initiatives for girls who do not have the financial means to buy a farewell dress and ultimately miss out on the opportunity.

Employees at the Huizemark Property Group in Bryantson handed over the clothes and jewellery on 20 July. The company is also one of the many depots where anyone interested in making a donation can drop them off.

The project is an initiative of the Epic Foundation.

Details: Alter McMaster of the Epic Foundation 082 940 6230.

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