Soccer boys back from Mediterraneo Summer Cup

BORDEAUX – The Old Parktonian Soccer Boys have returned from participating in the Mediterraneo Summer Cup in Barcelona, Spain.

The U11A/B and U15 soccer teams of Old Parktonian Sports Club have returned from participating in the Mediterraneo Summer Cup in Barcelona, Spain.

The teams from the club in Bordeaux said they have made their mark in the Mediterraneo Summer Cup.

According to director of coaching at Old Parks Themi Kartapanis, both groups did well in the summer cup, and the players grew and developed in their personalities.

“The players were able to explore the history, embrace the culture and experience the game against European clubs,” said Kartapanis.

“This trip included lots of life-long memories for the players, parents and coaches. This tour served as an inspiration for the players, the camaraderie and chemistry of the boys improved drastically after having this experience together,” he recounted.

One of the U15 players, Reece Matthews who plays centre forward, said the opportunity to play overseas was a once-in-a- lifetime experience.

“It was really exiting, we really enjoyed ourselves and our overall performance was fine,” he said.

“I believe that we did our best out there, in terms of how we play, we are not too far from them, however, if we had the mentality we would have easily taken the cup,” he said.



The U11A played seven games against teams from Romania, Hungary, Italy, France, Spain and they won four games, drew one, lost one. They managed to score 21 goals in seven games.

U11 B

The U11B played five games against teams from Romania, Hungary, Italy, France and Spain. They won two, drew one and lost two. They scored 15 goals in five games.

U15 A

The U15 played seven games against teams from Denmark, Italy, France, Northern Ireland, Spain, and Norway

They won three games, drew three and lost one and scored 15 goals in seven games.

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