Linden policeman appears in court on rape charges

KENSINGTON B – Linden SAPS sergeant accused of rape appears in Randburg Magistrates’ Court for formal bail application.

A Linden SAPS member appeared in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court on charges of rape on 8 July for a formal bail application.

The 45-year-old police sergeant is accused of raping a 25-year-old female detainee in the cells at Linden Police Station at 2am on 28 June.

He first appeared in court on 30 June where his bail was denied.

A date was set for a formal bail application on 7 July, which was later stood down due to a power outage.

In the formal bail application the defendant’s attorney read out his affidavit.

He stated personal particulars, namely that he is married with five children and has no property or family outside of the country.

The State then read an affidavit on behalf of the investigating officer for the Independent Police Investigation Department (IPID).

In the statement, the officer was alleged to have said to the detainee, “You will be my wife for the night.”

It further went on to detail how the officer apparently went into the cells (where she was alone) and began touching the complainant.

“He forced her not to scream, then took her clothes off and raped her with a condom on.”

He then, according to the affidavit, forced her to bath and gave her Sunlight soap to wash with. The officer then flushed the used condom.

At the time the flushing system was not working and the condom was recovered and placed into evidence.

The investigating officer’s statement indicated that the defendant did not pose a flight risk or a potential risk to tamper with evidence orwitnesses.

Court adjourned and will resume on 9 July.

Related story:

BREAKING NEWS: Rape at Linden Police Station

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