Residents receive new and safe paraffin stoves

KYA SAND – Kya Sands Informal Settlement residents received new and safe paraffin stoves on 26 June.

Residents of the Kya Sand Informal Settlement traded their old dangerous paraffin stoves for new safe ones.

This was done at the launch of the winter safety awareness campaign by the Department of Trade and Industry on 26 June.

Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies said old paraffin stoves and heaters will now be destroyed for the safety of the community.

“Goods that do not meet the standards are not needed anymore,” said Davies

“We are sending out a clear warning today, next time if we find someone selling the old paraffin stoves, we will prosecute them,” said the Minister.

He also added, “We don’t want the community and people’s lives to be affected during this winter.”

The Minister said about 900 houses have been destroyed from 2006 until today.

And in 2014, 500 houses were also destroyed, leaving residents injured.

During the campaign, residents were also warned about being aware of what they buy in stores.

“The community should be aware of the dangers of what they are buying,” said Minister Davies.

According to one resident Mapula Masemola, who is a fire victim, there is always devastating fire in the area.

“We are requesting support from the Minister. We don’t want our homes to burn anymore,” she said.

She explained that in most cases when there is fire, more people lose their Identity Documents and children’s birth certificates.

“So we are asking the Minister to help us with our situation, she said.

Ward 96 Councillor Matome Mafokwane showed excitement about the new initiative.

“The department came here because they have heard our cries and now they are doing their part,” said Mafokwane

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