Resident’s Association locks vagrants out

FERNDALE – Resident's Association took responsibility to curb the scourge of vagrants by erecting a fence surrounding the private property.

Sector 3 Vandia Gardens Resident’s Association [VGRA] is working tirelessly to curb the formidable challenge of vagrants sleeping around an open space on a private property close to Randburg Magistrates’ Court. The association decided to erect a fence surrounding the private property.

It was established that vagrants were sleeping on the property during the night, posing possible criminal threats to the residential area. Despite this challenge, vagrants also leave their filthy trash in the area.

Di McCarthy from the VGRA said there were lots of crimes occurring in the same area. She said the association decided to fence off the area after the property owner allegedly failed to do so. With the assistance of the CSS Tactical, the trash was removed and the fence erected, making the place more secure again. “We cannot necessarily blame the vagrants for the crime happening in this area, but we need to be sure that our area is safe and secured,” she explained.

Sector 3 manager from Randburg SAPS, Constable Gerry Maluleke, said they were facing dire challenges in the area. He said beside vagrants occupying every corner, there were also many squatters who were residing in the residential area. “You can find more than 50 people squatting in one residence,” he said.

He added that some of the houses in the Randburg area were apparently left with caretakers by the owners, making it difficult for police to control or establish suspicious people. “It is very difficult to find out suspicious criminals,” he said.

Details: VGRA Di McCarthy 083 455 9634

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