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Delta Park School tops

DELTA PARK – Delta Park school teachers win top awards at the National Teaching Awards.

Delta Park School came third nationally in the category Excellence in Special Needs and Inclusive Teaching, for the 15th Annual National Teaching Awards. “It is truly an honour, a blessing and a privilege to be part of a staff of 94 members whose passion and dedication to the 570 pupils at Delta Park School is clearly evident,” said the school’s principal Dr Hannetjie Britz.

“At Delta Park School we do not promise perfection but we do promise commitment and dedication to support each child in becoming the best that he or she could be.”

Teacher and member of the wining team Adele Combrinck expressed how fortunate she felt winning the award. “We try to help pupils with learning disabilities, to make them feel proud of themselves and to show them what they can achieve in life. I believe in every learner at Delta Park School,” she said.

Therapists at Delta Park Willemine van Velden and Catherine Hauvette were also part of the winning team and said that they felt very privileged to be part of such a school and win the award. “[The award] has given the teachers and therapists, as well as the school, recognition for the amazing work we do every day. It has shown that creativity in lessons and constantly improving oneself will be rewarded, not only by the award, but also in the response of the children,” said Hauvette.

Details: Delta Park School 011 888 7228.

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