UPDATE: EMS responds to Randpark Ridge fire

RANDPARK RIDGE – EMS increases its awareness programmes.

City of Johannesburg Emergency Management Services (EMS) has responded after a fire destroyed a home on Suikerbos Avenue, Randpark Ridge, on 1 May. The family of five have since found residence with a family member. The entity’s spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi said that EMS will now intensify its fire safety awareness programmes, especially as many fire fatalities were recorded in Johannesburg over the weekend.

According to family member Emid van Goeverdem, the fire in Randpark Ridge started at 9am. “The little boy Joey (3) was playing with a lighter [when] he got scared and threw the lighter,” Van Goeverdem said. “His dad was in the bedroom sleeping. By the time that his father got up, the fire had spread. He ran downstairs and got the family and pets out of the house. He [the father] was treated for smoke inhalation but is okay now.”

Goeverdem added that the family had been going through a hard time recently, with her sister being retrenched, and she felt “terrible” for them.

Sister – In – Law Emid Van Goeverdem Explains How The Fire Started by Jhb North West Caxton

EMS responded to the call and four fire engines were sent out from surrounding areas to extinguish the fire.”Due to the wind and the house having thatch, the fire gutted through most of the house as firefighters tried to extinguish the fire… It is very important for people to exercise caution especially if they have thatch,” said Mulaudzi .

According to Goeverdem’s mother Cheryl Barker, many passerbys helped the family. “A taxi that was driving by actually stopped and everyone from the taxi came out to help carry stuff out the house, they formed like a chain passing the things out the house. We really are so grateful to everyone for every single thing they have done,” said Barker.

Resident Veronica Engelbrecht said, “I saw the smoke, my gardener and I then ran out, everyone from the neighbourhood basically came together to help, it was amazing.”

Details : Emid van Goeverdem 011 794 9809, on Whatsapp 082 786 7391.


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